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Development and application of antistripping high alumina brick


Antistripping high alumina brick is made of high quality bauxite chamotte and containing zirconium oxide material as the main raw material, adding a certain amount of binder and additive, by grading the mud, after molding and high temperature sintered. Principle of anti spalling is to improve the ability of anti crack and crack extension, the commonly used technique is added to the ingredients of the expansion coefficient of different raw materials, due to thermal expansion mismatch, burn after leaving fissure in the product.

Antistripping high alumina fire brick  to join the main raw materials are kyanite, sillimanite, zircon. Kyanite in 1325 ~ 1350 ℃ of 1450 ℃ complete decomposition, decomposition, the volume expansion of 16% ~ 18%; decomposition temperature 1500 ℃ sillimanite, andalusite decomposition volume 8.4%, 1400 ℃, 1500 ℃ decomposition, volume expansion 3.29%. Zircon toughening by crystalline tetragonal zirconia and monoclinic zirconia transformation and the realization of mullite effect, proper addition of zircon raw materials in the high aluminum brick, can greatly improve the wear resistance and anti stripping performance.

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