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AZS Casting Method

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  • AZS Casting Method
■ Feature
PT-The shringkage cavity in brick disperses under the casting scar.
QX-The shringkage cavity in brick disperses at one end of the brick,a completely dense zone forms at another end.
ZWS-This casting method is similar with "ws",merely a few shrinkage voids remain in upper part of the body.
WS-No shrinkage cavity exists in brick body.

■ Technical Data
TYR processes the advanced analytic and test equipment,which test material,melt in furnace,final product and assure quality in the cortrol of manufacture in process.

■ About Us
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As adaptive case management (ACM) systems mature, we are moving beyond simple systems that allow knowledge workers to define ad hoc processes, to creating more intelligent systems that support and guide them. Knowledge workers still need to dynami-cally add information, define activities and collaborate with others in order to get their work done, but those are now just the table stakes in a world of big data and intelligent agents. To drive innovation and maintain operational efficiencies, we need to augment case work typically seen as relying primarily on human intelligence with machine intelligence. In other words, we need intelligent ACM.

Factory strength »

As adaptive case management (ACM) systems mature, we are moving beyond simple systems that allow knowledge workers to define ad hoc processes, to creating more intelligent systems that support and guide them. Knowledge workers still need to dynami-cally add information, define activities and collaborate with others in order to get their work done, but those are now just the table stakes in a world of big data and intelligent agents. To drive innovation and maintain operational efficiencies, we need to augment case work typically seen as relying primarily on human intelligence with machine intelligence. In other words, we need intelligent ACM.

Highly predictable work is easy to support using traditional programming techniques, while unpredictable work cannot be accurately scripted in advance, and thus requires the involvement of the knowledge workers themselves. The core element of Adaptive Case Management (ACM) is the support for real-time decision-making by knowledge workers.

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Company: Construction Management & Engineering Cell
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